New School New Year

Woah! I can’t believe it is a new year and I am back at middle school.  Ready to rock those little art minds.

The start was a little rough.  The room needed work….lots of work.  So I spent several days in July and August just cleaning and preparing.  The difference is astounding.  Everyone that has come through has been shocked at the difference.

I always start the begin of the year with job duties and color coded tables and supply totes. To help get everyone and everything organized.

I was a little dismayed that the art classes are only a semester long.  So I am going to use that as training when I teach college one day.  That would be the ultimate retirement job, working at a small junior college teaching printmaking and ceramics.

I have already had all the students collaborate on a mural of small squares combined to create this semesters message. The class sizes are already growing! Woohoo!

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1 Comment

    Katelyn Mueller

    7th Mar 2019 - 4:14 pm


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